saneamento basico

Novo sistema de purificação de água pode ajudar a matar a sede no mundo

Mais de um bilhão de pessoas no mundo estão sem aceso à água potável, e o problema vem crescendo. Em 2025 dois terços da população mundial poderão encarar a escassez hídrica. Para poder matar a sede, algumas comunidades mais desenvolvidas estão investindo em plantas de dessalinização de água, transformando água saldada em potável. Mas essas plantas são caras para a maioria das comunidades pagarem. Agora, pesquisadores trouxeram uma tecnologia de sistemas de dessalinização com energia solar que pode produz, em menor escala, água potável de forma acessível, mesmo que para o uso individual de família.

Confira o texto publicado pela Science Engineering na íntegra:

More than 1 ​billion people ​around the ​world lack ​access to fresh ​water, and the ​problem is ​growing: By ​2025 a whopping ​two-thirds of ​the world’​s population ​may face water ​shortages. To ​slake that ​thirst, some ​wealthy ​communities ​have invested ​in water ​desalination ​plants that ​turn salt water ​into clean ​drinking water. ​But these ​plants are too ​expensive for ​most communities ​to afford. Now, ​researchers ​have come up ​with a solar-​powered ​technique that ​could make ​small-scale ​desalination ​systems ​affordable, ​even for ​individual ​households. ​

The approach ​is a new take ​on an old ​technology ​known as a ​solar still. ​These ​stills—​large ​containers ​covered by ​clear plastic ​tarps or glass ​enclosures—​direct sunlight ​onto a basin of ​salty water. ​Water ​evaporates, ​leaving salts ​behind, and ​then condenses ​on the plastic ​or glass, where ​it is captured. ​The trouble is ​throughput. The ​sun evaporates ​water so slowly ​that very ​little fresh ​water is ​produced—​too little for ​most people to ​even bother. ​

To fix the ​throughput ​problem, ​researchers ​have tried ​topping the ​salt water with ​floating films ​dotted with ​nano-sized ​metal particles,​ typically made ​from gold. Gold ​is a good ​absorber of ​sunlight, and ​the nanoparticles ​funnel the ​sun’s ​energy into ​tiny hotspots ​that then ​efficiently ​evaporate water.​ But gold, and ​other noble ​metals that ​work just as ​well, are ​expensive. ​

Now, ​researchers led ​by electrical ​engineer ​Jia Zhu at ​Nanjing ​University in ​China have ​fashioned a ​solar absorber ​to work with ​aluminum, one ​of the most ​abundant and ​cheapest metals ​on the planet. ​Normally, ​aluminum is ​good at ​absorbing only ​ultraviolet ​light, a small ​sliver of the ​solar spectrum. ​But Zhu’s ​team broadened ​this absorption ​in two steps. ​First, they ​perforated the ​foil with a ​regular array ​of holes, each ​300 nanometers ​across. The ​array prevents ​light from ​reflecting off ​the surface and ​scatters it ​through the ​film, ​increasing the ​odds it will be ​absorbed. The ​researchers ​also misted the ​aluminum oxide ​foil with an ​extra dose of ​vaporized ​aluminum. The ​additional ​aluminum formed ​a thin layer on ​top. But in the ​pores, the ​aluminum atoms ​bunched up into ​tiny “​islands” ​that increased ​the foil’​s odds of ​absorbing ​sunlight. ​

The aluminum ​islands worked ​like gold ​particles, ​creating energy-​funneling ​hotspots that ​boosted water ​evaporation at ​those sites. ​The approach ​worked so well ​that the ​researchers ​were able to ​purify salt ​water up ​to ​three times faster than ​without the ​foil, they ​report this ​week in ​ Nature Photonics . Just one ​square meter of ​foil generated ​2 to 8 liters ​of water per ​hour, depending ​on the amount ​of light ​hitting the ​still. Tests ​showed that the ​purified water ​contained only ​trace amounts ​of salt—​orders of ​magnitude less ​than the World ​Health ​Organization ​and the U.S. ​Environmental ​Protection ​Agency deem ​safe for ​drinking water. ​

The new setup ​isn’t ​likely to ​replace ​industrial ​filtration ​techniques any ​time soon. ​Those are ​already ​efficient on a ​large scale, ​generating up ​to 65 liters of ​water per hour ​for every ​square meter of ​membrane, says ​Benny Freeman, ​a chemical ​engineer and ​water ​desalination ​expert at the ​University of ​Texas at Austin.​ However, ​desalination ​plants ​currently ​require massive ​inputs of ​energy, usually ​from fossil ​fuels. That ​makes them ​unaffordable ​for many ​developing ​countries and ​households. So ​the new ​technique could ​offer a way for ​individuals to ​purify water ​for their own ​needs on the ​cheap. “​There certainly ​is a lot of ​need for that,​” Freeman ​says. “If ​you can provide ​clean water ​even at a small ​scale, it could ​be a game ​changer.” ​

That said, ​Freeman adds ​that the new ​approach to ​desalination ​still has a ​ways to go ​before proving ​itself in the ​real world. In ​their current ​experiment, the ​setup worked ​for 25 cycles ​of 1 hour each ​with little ​drop in ​performance. ​But to be ​useful in the ​real world, it ​will have to ​last for months ​or years. ​Researchers ​will also have ​to find ways to ​dispose of the ​extra salty ​brine that the ​evaporating ​water leaves. ​But with so ​many people in ​desperate need ​of fresh water, ​a new cheap ​source of ​purification is ​bright prospect.​

Fonte: Science Engineering

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